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US Congress could prevent Trump from running in 2024 elections

Washington, Aug 16 (Prensa Latina) US Congress has elements to prevent former President Donald Trump from running in 2024 presidential elections, experts warned.

According to US journalist Juan Williams, Donald Trump is planning to represent GOP in the 2024 presidential elections, levying $100 million in his political war-chest.

One reason Trump might not run is if any of the several investigations into his business affairs leads to criminal indictment.

Another roadblock might emerge if Congress gets access to his tax returns and finds embarrassing debts that compromised his dealings with powerful people in other countries.

‘None of that is likely to stop him from launching Trump,’

Robert Reich, former Labor secretary, stated

Congress has the power to rule out another Trump run by citing ¨section 3 of the 14 amendment, which bars anyone from holding office who engaged in insurrection against the U.S.,¨ Robert Reich said.

Relentless fraud indictments motivated Trump´s followers to try to prevent Congress from certifying Biden’s election on Jan. 6.

We have the facts on our side. Trump plotted a conspiracy to stay in office after losing in November 2020, Williams wrote in an article published by The Hill.

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