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Venezuela’s President ratifies adherence to the path of dialogue

Caracas, Aug 16 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro ratified on Monday the commitment of the Bolivarian Government to follow the path of dialogue with the opposition, for the sake of peace and national stability.

On a press briefing with national and international media, the president attributed the submissive posture of the right wing opposition and US interference as the main causes of the failure of previous rapprochement processes.

‘We have persevered on the path of dialogue, and we are going to continue on that track now in Mexico and beyond,’ the head of State emphasized in reference to the cycle of talks initiated this weekend with the mediation of Norway.

From the Miraflores Palace (seat of the Executive), Maduro assured that the previous negotiations were marked by the interventionist element of the United States, to try to subdue the opposition ‘which unfortunately on all occasions gave in to blackmail,’ he pointed out.

The president stated that the Bolivarian Government was always willing to dialogue with the most radical right wing sectors, even during the most extreme acts such as the failed attempt to install a parallel government in 2019, in the figure of opposition leader Juan Guaido.

The sides involved in the dialogue process in Mexico signed on Friday a memorandum of understanding that will govern the negotiations, aimed at reaching agreements in the field of political rights, electoral guarantees and timetable for observable elections.

Likewise, the talks will address the lifting of unilateral coercive measures implemented against Venezuela, the restoration of the right to assets, the renunciation of violence and response to victims, guarantees of implementation, follow-up and verification of what has been agreed.
