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Biden’s plummeting rating is bad news for midterm elections

Washington, Aug 31 (Prensa Latina) The approval rating of President of the United States, Joe Biden, continues to plummet, an indication that the honeymoon of his still incipient mandate is behind him and a bad omen for the 2022 mid-term election.

The latest polls indicate that Americans’ satisfaction with the president ranges from 41 to 50 percent, while net disapproval fluctuates from 46 to 55 percent.

Average approval has fallen from a high 55.1 percent at the end of March to a roughly even approval-disapproval at present.

What currently unifies opinion against Biden is the Afghan issue, where there is criticism across all political spectrums.

The plummeting support poses a problem for Democrats in the midterm election, although some insist that next year’s election is still a long way off and are confident that voters will look more to domestic than foreign policy when casting their ballots.

In the most recent YouGov poll, respondents put healthcare, the economy and the environment at the top of the list.

However, observers warned that the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives looks increasingly ephemeral and the blue force is likely to lose seats.
