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Cuba ratifies its commitment against corruption in Vienna

Vienna, Sep 7 (Prensa Latina) Cuba on Tuesday ratified its commitment to the goals of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and its review mechanisms.

The fight against that scourge is a priority for the Cuban government, the third secretary of the Cuban Embassy in Vienna, Marlen Redondo, told international organizations at a meeting of the working group for the implementation of the Convention.

Redondo explained that the State and the Government prioritize the prevention and fight against corruption as well as the participation of different social stakeholders in that combat.

Cuba, as a State party, is working to comply with the commitments undertaken, in both its capacity as a State party under review and as a reviewer.

She noted that since the review in the first cycle, in 2011, the country has set up working groups that contribute to discipline, transparency, accountability and proper management of public goods.

In that regard, she announced that Cuba already published its report for the second cycle of reviews, and is following up on the information issued on the matter by the United Nations Secretariat.

Cuba, with the help of representatives of civil society, the academia and other sectors, is working to prevent and combat indiscipline, illegalities and manifestations of administrative corruption more effectively and to contribute to order, legality and good governance, the diplomat noted.
