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Solidarity work of Italy-Cuba Friendship Association acknowledged

Rome, Sep 17 (Prensa Latina) The Italy-Cuba National Friendship Association (ANAIC) on Friday received the commemorative stamp on the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) as recognition of its solidarity work.

Cuban Ambassador to Italy Jose Carlos Rodriguez presented the distinction to Marco Papacci and Walter Persello, president and vice president, respectively, of the organization founded in 1961 in the heat of demonstrations in support of the Cuban Revolution during the mercenary invasion of Playa Giron (Bay of Pigs).

The first secretary in charge of Political Affairs, Claudia Morgade, headed the ceremony at the Cuban Embassy, also attended by Nicaraguan Ambassador Monica Robelo, and the charge d’affaires and minister counselor of the Venezuelan Embassy, Maria Elena Uzzo.

Italians from different sectors also attended the emotional meeting opened by three Cuban children who recited Jose Marti’s Simple Verses, while Irma Castillo and Ulises Mora delighted those present with their recognized mastery of rumba dancing.

I want to emphasize that we are giving this recognition to thousands of Italians who over the decades have supported Cuba without hesitation, with much effort, commitment and contribution of life, including resources in very dissimilar circumstances, said the Cuban ambassador, who highlighted the role of many who are no longer physically.

Papacci spoke in the same way, highlighting the sacrifices made by the members of the organization to ensure solidarity work with Cuba in different historical stages.

After noting that there are more than 3,000 associates, grouped in 74 territorial circles, the activist highlighted the work done to collect 253,693 euros, in 2020 and 2021, to support the Cuban health system with the purchase of medicines, equipment and medical supplies.

On the other hand, he highlighted how Cuba systematically overcame difficult times, which, he added, was only possible thanks to the capacity of its leaders and the enormous popular support that they have enjoyed and continue to enjoy.

We are sure that the new generations will know how to defend the historic legacy of Fidel and Raul, he pointed out while sending greetings to President Miguel Diaz-Canel, on behalf of all the members of the organization.

From Havana, ICAP First Vice President Noemi Rabaza participated through a video conference. She congratulated the leadership of ANAIC for the recognition and thanked its members for the permanent solidarity shown towards the Cuban Revolution.
