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The US relocates 60 terrorists in its illegal bases in Syria

Damascus, Sept 19 (Prensa Latina) At least 60 terrorists, members of the Islamic State (Daesh, in Arabic), on Sunday were relocated by US forces to use them in attacks against State interests, national television reported.

The extremists from that international terrorist group were moved on two helicopters, used for the transportation of soldiers, to the US base in the southern part of Shadadi city, in the northeastern Hasakeh province.

In this base, according to activists quoted by this media outlet, the extremists are trained to carry out terrorist operations to fulfill Washington’s plans.

They added that this group was taken out of Nafkar prison, which is controlled by the separatist militia Democratic Forces of Syria (DFS), sponsored by Washington.

Most extremists relocated are from Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia, including leaders in charge of indoctrination, prisons and this group’s police.

For the last few months, the US military command has moved hundreds of extremists on helicopters to their illegal bases set up near Syria’s oil fields. Those mercenaries’ mission, according to Damascus authorities, is to destabilize the areas controlled by the government by attacking national army units, its allies, civilian communities and oil facilities.
