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United Russia wins 324 of 450 seats in State Duma

Moscow, Sep 22 (Prensa Latina) The United Russia party won 324 of 450 seats in the State Duma (Lower House of Parliament), thus keeping its constitutional majority, the Central Election Commission (CEC) reported on Wednesday.

According to the institution, in order to achieve this result, the party won 198 seats in single-member constituencies and 126 places for the lists of candidates running for federal deputies. However, the ruling party won fewer than the 334 seats in 2016.

In the second place, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) won 57 seats, more than the 43 in the previous election, whereas A Just Russia–Patriots-For Truth won 27 seats for its members in the Duma.

In the September 17-19 election, Russia’s Liberal Democratic Party won 21 seats, a significant drop compared to five years ago, when it got 40 seats.

For its part, the newcomer New People party won 13 seats. These are the five parties that make up the new Lower House.

Political groups such as Party of Growth and Civic Platform won one seat each in single-member constituencies, and independent candidates won five. jg/aph/mem/mml