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Supreme Court Judge resigns in Argentina

Buenos Aires, Oct 5 (Prensa Latina) Argentina's Judge Elena Highton de Nolasco informed today President Alberto Fernandez of her resignation from the Supreme Court of Justice, where she has served for the past 17 years.

In a letter sent to the President, dated September 30 but published on Tuesday by several press media, the minister resigned her position in force as of November 1.

‘I greet Mr. President with the expressions of my most distinguished consideration,’ she said at the end of her brief letter.

Highton de Nolasco, aged 78, had been proposed to the post by President Alberto Fernandez himself when he was then Chief of Staff of the late former President Nestor Kirchner.

The judge had filed an action of protection to continue in the position beyond the age limit of 75 years old set by law, and her resignation was announced after the appointment of Horacio Rosatti, recently elected as head of the highest court.

The only female face of the five members of the Court, Highton de Nolasco came to the position in 2004 after the dismissal of Eduardo Moline O’Connor.

Argentina’s Pagina 12 press recalled that during her career, the current vice president of the Supreme Court participated in many study commissions created by the Ministry of Justice to draft laws related to mediation and alternative dispute resolution.
