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Facebook outage: Company lost nearly 00 million

Washington, Oct 6 (Prensa Latina) Facebook´s seven-hour outage, the biggest one since 2008, that cost the company a ballpark number of nearly 00 million in lost revenue alone was made worse because staff were working from home, according to Fortune magazine.

The figure is based on Facebook’s second quarter earnings, which saw revenue of $29.08 billion over a 91-day period, the experts said. That works out an average of $319.6 million per day or $13.3 million per hour. (The figure does not account for peaktraffic periods or days of the week.)

The figure could even ramp up to nearly $500 million if, instead of six-hour outage, it had lasted a full day, Technology Specialist Daniel Sparks told The Motley Fool (a private financial and investing advice company based in Alexandria, Virginia).

Sparks suggested this drop will likely have the effect on reinforcing Facebook´s significance for users and advertisers rather than a negative impact on social network.

For Facebook, owned by young US programmer and entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg, a $100 million drop in revenue is (for now) a drop in the bucket that investors will likely shrug off, Sparks warned.

Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp went down on Tuesday in several countries and six hours later the company’s Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer announced service came back online gradually.

Other platforms including TikTok, Twitter, Gmail, YouTube, Tinder, Netflix, Snapchat, Viber and Amazon went down temporarily, while US telecommunications companies AT&T and Verizon as well as Bank of America and Southwest Airlines also reported outages.

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