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Ethiopian film-maker highlights Cuba’s contribution

Addis Ababa, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) Cuba was vital for Africans' independence and important for the achievement of major progress on the continent, but there is still much work to do, Negash Abdurahman, director of the documentary Cuba in Africa, said.

With the testimonies of some protagonists as the guiding theme and by virtue of a thorough research, the documentary begins in Angola with a story that narrates, in detail and from different perspectives, the presence of Cuban internationalists in Africa.

Cubans’ altruism went beyond the wars for the sovereignty of Angola or Ethiopia, and the fight against Apartheid in South Africa and Namibia, and included collaboration so that Africans could improve their health and education systems and many other areas, he added.

Without the efforts and solidarity of the Cuban Revolution, the continent’s recent history would have been quite different, Abdurahman, an Ethiopian resident in the United States, who is also the executive producer of this documentary, told Prensa Latina.

He also highlighted Fidel Castro’s leadership when he extended solidarity to his country, with a scholarship program for thousands of young students, something new generations must know as well as exploits and heroic acts in Africa.

Many students who studied and graduated from Cuban schools and universities, he said, have contributed to the growth of their nations in several areas, held political and governmental positions and become members of international organizations.
