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Nicaragua is three Sundays away from its general election

Managua, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua is exactly today three weeks away from the main date of its political agenda in five years, the general election that will be held on the first Sunday of November (7).

Last week, the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE), along with members of political parties and alliances running for the election, validated the ballots that will be cast in the polls.

The candidates’ names and photos, the colors of the flag that represents them, the order and number of the boxes, logos, design, and the security elements of the official document are on the electoral ballot, judge Brenda Rocha, CSE president, said.

Under electoral law, the president and the first member of the Polling Station Boards (JRV) alternate between the two most voted parties in the past election (2016): the ruling Sandinist Broad of National Liberation (FSLN) and the Constitutionalist Liberal Party (PLC), whereas the second member corresponds to the rest of the organizations.

On November 7, almost 4.5 million Nicaraguans will be able to vote for the presidential ticket, the 92 deputies for the National Assembly (legislative branch) and the 20 deputies for the Central American Parliament.

Besides the FSLN and PLC, the Independent Liberal Party (PLI), the Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance (ALN), the Nicaraguan Party of the Christian Path (CCN), the Alliance for the Republic (APRE), and Yapti Tasba Masraka Nanih Aslatakanka (Yatama) are also running for the election.
