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UN chief condemns ongoing military coup in Sudan

United Nations, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) UN Secretary-General (UNSG) António Guterres on Monday condemned the ongoing military coup in Khartoum and all actions that could endanger the political transition and stability of Sudan.

In a statement, Guterres requested the immediate reconstitution of the Government, which is due to guide Sudan through to democratic elections. regime provided for in the Constitutional Document.

The illegal detention of Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok and senior officials and politicians is unacceptable and violates the essential partnership to Sudan’s sucessful transition, he stressed.

Likewise, Guterres called for the immediate release of Sudanese Prime Minister and all the others officials.

In a full statement issued later in the day, through his Spokesperson, Mr. Guterres said that ‘Sudanese stakeholders must immediately return to dialogue, and engage in good faith to restore the constitutional order and Sudan’s transitional process.

‘The United Nations reiterates its unwavering commitment and support to the realization of Sudan’s political transition. Any attempts to undermine this transition process puts at risk Sudan’s security, stability and development.

He added that the UN ‘will continue to stand with the people of Sudan as they strive to fulfil their aspirations for a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future.’

On the other hand, Sudanese Army justified its action on Monday after arresting politicians and public officials, including prime minister, who called on population to take to the streets after describing the situation as a coup.
