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Russia ready for agreements with US on strategic stability

Moscow, Oct 26 (Prensa Latina) Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoli Antonov said that his country is ready to establish binding legal agreements with Washington on strategic stability, the diplomatic mission posted on its Facebook account on Tuesday.

The diplomat referred to the Treaty on Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START III), which both countries agreed in February 2021 to extend it until 2026.

The ambassador explained that if ‘tangible results’ are achieved in this area, Moscow and Washington will send a ‘strong message’ to the international community regarding to the mutual commitment to maintaining international peace and security.

On September 30, Russia and the United States held a meeting on the subject in Geneva to follow up the July 28 talks, the first round on strategic stability after the June 16 presidential summit held in Geneva.

Russian President Vladimir Putin praised his US counterpart Joe Biden’s decision to extend START III, which established in 2010 that the parties would reduce their deployed strategic offensive armaments over seven years.
