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Hurricane season exhausts list of names for second year in a row

huracanes, temporada, nombres
Geneva, Nov 9 (Prensa Latina) The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season was so active that the usual list of storm names has already been exhausted for the second consecutive year, it transpired today.

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Tropical Storm Wanda, found in the central North Atlantic, is the last named on this year’s regular list.

This is the third time in history that such a phenomenon has occurred. 28 storms formed in 2005 and 30 in 2020.

The Atlantic hurricane season of 2021 has so far been less devastating than that of 2020, but it has turned out to be unusually active in terms of accumulated cyclonic energy and number of storms, the WMO noted.

In addition, its very active behavior was evidenced by the fact that only until last October 19 tropical storms accumulated, seven of them acquired the category of hurricanes, Elsa, Grace, Henri, Ida, Larry, Nicholas and Sam, and four that of hurricanes of great intensity, Grace, Ida, Larry and Sam.

Also two subtropical storms and one of them became the 20th fully tropical at the beginning of this month.

Experts from the Cuban Institute of Meteorology pointed out that the current season has been intense in the geographical area of ​​the tropical Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, particularly in the case of Cuba.

Hurricane Ida and tropical storms Fred and Elsa directly impacted the Caribbean country, the latter becoming a hurricane after crossing it.

The next storm on the list will be called Adria, said the WMO. This determination was made by the Organization’s Hurricane Committee, which decided to stop using the Greek alphabet as it did previously, as they considered that “it created a distraction in the communication of hazard and storm warnings and was potentially confusing.”
