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Cuba is under attack on social media

Cuba, redes, sociales, ataques
Havana, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) After weeks of intense media campaign, Cuba is receiving new attacks on social networks, and Twitter is once again at the tip of the spear.

Cuba, redes, sociales, ataques

Twitter adulterates the trends for users, who instead of seeing the #CubaVive hashtag on the front page, by far the most mentioned, have direct access to the one promoted by destabilizing groups in order to create a situation of ungovernability.

#CubaVive had been mentioned over 420 thousand times globally on Twitter in the last eight hours, but it was ignored in the “trending topics”.

However, the #15Ncuba hashtag, with less than 300 thousand mentions around the globe, monopolized all the attention in that same timespan and was at the top of all trends, despite the fact that two out of five tweets and retweets originated from just three accounts, representing an attack against the Cuban government in search of destabilization.

According to the Trendsmap site, users @mjorgec1994, @agusantonetti and @yuniortrebol accounted for 40 percent of the global initial movements regarding said tag on Twitter using fake messages.

Days ago, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez denounced the destabilizing campaign, promoted and sponsored in and by the United States, which seeks a repeat of the riots of July 11th, when citizens vandalized establishments and caused chaos.

Rodríguez denounced that on “a crude manipulation of (Twitter’s) algorithm is underway to give the impression that there is a high number of users located in Cuba with positions against our government.”

Rodríguez stressed that most of the toxic content that accompanies the tag promoting destabilization in Cuba originates in the United States, while its dissemination is scarce in other countries, and that here is no doubt about the viciousness and interference of imperialism against Cuba.
