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Actress opposes crime of abortion in Colombia

Bogota, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Actress Margarita Rosa de Francisco Baquero advocated on Wednesday for the elimination of the crime of abortion in Colombia, considering that the decision to terminate pregnancy is a woman's right.

In a video on her Twitter account, she pointed out that her message is not to see abortion as a contraceptive, but to support the demand of the Causa Justa (Fair Cause) Movement to eliminate this crime from the penal code.

“I refuse to accept that an authority, external to the free will of a woman, categorizes a crime of which only women are accused and considers abortion a sin,” she stressed.

She underlined that women who decide to terminate their pregnancies cannot be criminalized, even more than those who rape, mistreat or force them to do so.

This is not a frivolous request, it is nothing more than claiming our right to have an abortion with full conscience as autonomous moral subjects, she said, and called for no more punishment for being a woman.
