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China donates relief food to drought-hit Kenyans

Nairobi, Nov 23 (Prensa Latina) China has donated relief food consisting of 945 tons of rice to Kenya, a nation that is currently facing up serious shortages of food, means of subsistence and water, among other issues, as a result of lengthy drought.

Zhang Yijun, Minister Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Kenya, said in Nairobi that the humanitarian assistance is the seventh of its kind since 2017 when China promised to donate a total of 11,835 tons of rice worth 2.25 billion shillings (about $20 million).

Up to now six consignments of the rice donation were already received, Zhang Yijun said during a handover ceremony for the new donation on Monday.

Zhang noted that the relief food is a good demonstration of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and the profound traditional partnership between China and Kenya, Yijun said, announcing that China will strengthen its cooperation with Kenya in various fields, provide more aid to help Kenya improve people´s life, as well as promote social-economic development, which will serve the interest of the two peoples.

On the other hand, Kenyan Cabinet Secretary Margaret Kobia stated that the Chinese donation “is a very important support from a friendly government at this time of great need and will greatly assist Kenyans affected by drought in the country.

Kenya declared the ongoing drought situation which has affected 23 arid and semi-arid counties, and left about 2.5 million people in need of humanitarian support, a national disaster in December.
