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French intellectuals criticize their country’s stance towards Syria

Francia, intelectuales, rechazo, postura, gobierno, Siria
Damascus, Dec 9 (Prensa Latina) A group of French writers, intellectuals, journalists, activists and bloggers branded their country's policy towards Syria as wrong and rejected that it represents the people.

The French Government is lost in the hands of the major powers, but the active forces of the people have always been in favor of Syria and its people, writer Jean-Michel Vernochet said during a talk about the war in Syria organized at the Central Library in Aleppo.

In turn, Yves Perrault, a retired major general of the French army, criticized the involvement of his country’s Government in the war against this nation since 2011.

Similarly, writer, researcher and journalist Alain-Pierre Tizio deplored his country’s involvement in the destruction of Syria and the dissemination of falsehoods on media.

Activist Marie Baumeier said in her speech that “the French Government is now ruled by Israel”, which is a State known in the world for its deceptions and lies.

Likewise, strategist Emmanuel Leroy highlighted the accelerated and remarkable recovery of Aleppo and expressed that this city defeated more than 100 countries that invested money and sent weapons to destroy Syria.

The French Government closed its Embassy in Damascus in 2012 and adopted hostile stances towards this nation, even along with the United Kingdom and the United States, launched cruise missiles against several Syrian cities in April 2018.
