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US blockade against Cuba is deliberately tougher

United Nations, Feb 2 (Prensa Latina) The United States blockade against Cuba has been a deliberately tougher mechanism that remains unchanged and has been tightened with new unilateral provisions that are still in force, Cuba's mission at the United Nations denounced on Wednesday.

In a communiqué from that diplomatic mission, shared on Twitter by Ambassador Pedro Luis Pedroso, details are provided on how Washington has kept that coercive policy intact during the past year.

This trend began in 2017 to further tighten the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the US Government, the statement recalls.

In addition, the provisions associated with travel restrictions to Cuba and remittances, as well as the mechanisms of financial persecution, remain unchanged, the communiqué adds.

Maintaining Cuba in the unilateral and illegal lists the US Department of State publishes on alleged countries that sponsor terrorism reinforced the intimidating impact of the blockade and its extraterritoriality, the press release notes.

“The persistence in the full implementation of the Helms-Burton Act included the authorization of lawsuits in US courts under its Title III, and further expanded the scheme of hindering Cuba’s economic, commercial and financial relations with third countries,” it goes on to say.

All these coercive measures, which were implemented in January, February, May and September 2021, and are currently in force, have been expressions of a tightened policy that still remains intact, the Cuban mission stressed.
