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Russian State Duma president pays tribute to Jose Marti

Havana, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) Vychaeslav Volodin, president of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation paid tribute on Thursday to Jose Marti at his Memorial in Havana.

Accompanied by Ana Mari Machado, vice-president of the Cuban Parliament, the visitor laid a wreath at the foot of the 30-meter-high marble statue.

Volodin’s visit to Cuba will conclude after talks on Wednesday with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel and National People’s Power Assembly President Esteban Lazo.

At the two meetings, both sides ratified their interest in expanding and reinforcing the current state of relations and identifying new areas to boost economic and political cooperation.

Volodin thanked Cuba for its support for Russia’s right to defend itself against threats from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The agenda also included a tribute at the Monument to the Unknown Russian Soldier and a visit to the Fidel Castro Center.
