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Lebanese television calls for the end of US blockade against Cuba

Beirut, Apr 5 (Prensa Latina) Lebanon´s Al-Mayadeen pan-Arabist satellite television channel on Tuesday called for the end of the criminal economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba for more than 60 years.

In a video broadcast on social networks, the pan-Arabist media outlet reported that, despite the US blockade, Cuba holds off US attacks “and their consequences in Cuba amid the Covid-19 pandemic.”

In spite of over 60 years of attacks on Cuba, the Cuban people´s revolutionary willingness made it possible for Cuba to hold off and move on in separate areas.

The Lebanese television pointed out as achievements of the Cuban Revolution that nearly 90% of the Cuban people is already fully vaccinated against Covid-19, and more than 50% has received booster doses.

After assuring, on the other hand, that solidarity is also an important part of Cuba’s resistance, the Al-Mayadeen television channel recognized Cuba´s internationalist assistance to other peoples around the world.
