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Cuba organizes international seminar for peace

Havana, Apr 19 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban eastern city of Guantanamo is organizing the 7th International Seminar for Peace and for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases of the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The event, convened by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) and the World Peace Council will take place from May 4 to 6.

According to the Foreign Ministry’s website, the event will bring together academics, union leaders, peace-loving activists and friends of Cuba to demand an end to the arms race that the United States is conducting along with its NATO allies.

The forum will also be a space for denunciation and the exchange of knowledge and experiences that will help join forces in favor of world peace and for the suppression of arbitrary bases.

In addition, the delegates will reiterate the importance and validity of the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, approved by the heads of State and Government of the region in Havana in January 2014, the source said.

The venue for the seminar has a special meaning, since Washington has maintained a naval base in Guantanamo for 119 years against the will of the people and the Government of Cuba.

In addition, the United States created a prison there for alleged terrorist suspects, who have been victims of torture and whose rights have been violated. jg/llp/jf/cgc