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Event at Cuban study center analyzes texts by Jose Marti

Havana, May 10 (Prensa Latina) The Center for Jose Marti Studies (CEM), located in Havana, on Tuesday opens the international colloquium "The Cuban Revolutionary Party (PRC): war and revolution," with issues such as literature in Patria newspaper.

Scheduled until May 12, the initiative is part of the international celebration for the 170th birthday of Cuban philosopher, journalist and essayist Jose Marti, which ends in 2023 with the 5th International Conference on World Equilibrium.

The meeting will also recall the 130th anniversary of the founding of the PRC and Patria newspaper, whose first issue was published in 1892, and plans to be held in a hybrid mode, from the physical and virtual space, in the presence of renowned researchers of Marti’s work.

This colloquium will also commemorate the 140th anniversary of the publication of the Ismaelillo collection of poems, considered the first manifestation of modernist poetry in America, and the prologue to “Poema del Niagara” (Poem of Niagara), written by Venezuelan Juan Antonio Perez Bonalde.

The scientific event will also celebrate the 45th anniversary of this renowned Havana institution, make visible its academic, political and ideological work and its promotion of exchange, debate and talks among the national and foreign intellectual community.

The meeting will include a tribute to outstanding revolutionary fighter and intellectual Juan Marinello on the 45th anniversary of his death and include several keynote speeches by experts from the center and other cultural spaces of the Caribbean nation.
