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Diaz-Canel: Cuba is strengthened as a socialist State of law

Havana, May 16 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Monday highlighted the strengthening of the country as a Socialist State of Law with the approval of eight new laws at the National People's Power Assembly (Parliament).

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He pointed out that the eight new laws are the result of a broad consultation process, give legitimacy to the political system and strengthen the courts to guarantee the fundamental rights of children, women and the disabled, among others.

When speaking at the closing of the 5th extraordinary session of the Cuban legislative body, Diaz-Canel stressed that the Penal Code introduces important modifications aimed at greater prevention and confrontation, incorporates international treaties and more current provisions.

This is a tool that must be used rationally and an instrument to protect society, people and the political order enshrined in the Constitution, he said.

Diaz-Canel referred to the other laws endorsed these days which reinforce the rights contained in the 2019 Constitution and underline the State’s commitment to protecting the environment, copyright, cultural heritage and national identity.

The head of State said that the approval of a food sovereignty and security law occurred in an international context of uncertainty on this issue and called on those involved to assume its precepts with responsibility and creativity.

The president highlighted the holding of popular consultations and referendums, first with the 2019 Constitution and soon with the Family Code bill, which denotes that the legislative exercise is a participatory process that seeks legitimacy and consensus.
