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We must change the world for an inclusive education, says Venezuela

Venezuela, educación, UNEsco
Paris, Jun 29 (Prensa Latina) The Vice Minister of Educational Communities and Union with the People of Venezuela, Wuikelman Ángel Paredes, on Wednesday said at UNESCO that in order to achieve inclusive education, the prevailing asymmetric global order must be changed.

To change education, we must change the world and its asymmetries between rich and poor and also between developing and developed countries. For such a reason, we have to empower the people, Paredes stressed.

According to Paredes, the Covid-19 pandemic forces inequalities globally and its impact on the most vulnerable and the need for an inclusive education system.

Regarding Venezuela, we experienced two pandemics at the same time, Covid-19 and the imperialist one with its criminal unilateral coercive measures, which have caused death and suffering, he condemned by referring to the US government’s crusade to stifle Venezuela´s economy for not subordinating itself to US interests.

Ángel Paredes warned that the US sanctions against Caracas are intended to harm and destroy Venezuela´s domestic economy, with no success but causing great damage to the Venezuelan people and its education system.

Unilateral coercive US measures limit Venezuelans´ right to education, impact on students and teachers and also harm our humanistic social development project, but they are being defeated. pll/jcm/wmr