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Canadian parliamentarians planning fall visit to Taiwan

Ottawa, Aug 17 (Prensa Latina) Members of the Canadian Parliament intend to follow their U.S. congressional colleagues´ footsteps and are planning to make a visit to Taiwan in coming October 2022, says the group´s chair Liberal MP Judy Sgro.

Members of Parliament´s Canada-Taiwan Friendship Group and members of the standing committee on international trade intend to visit Taiwan to seek “opportunities for deeper trade relations,” according to Sgro.

While she acknowledged the “significant tension” in international relations as a result of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi´s recent trip to Taiwan, Sgro said they will use diplomacy to prove their support for local government, Radio Canada International said.

In response to Pelosi’s stance, the Chinese Foreign Ministry condemned the U.S. for constantly challenging Beijing’s sovereignty over the Taiwan issue, undermining the One-China policy and even stirring up issues without caring about regional stability and only seeking its own benefits.

Canada has only informal diplomatic relations with Taiwan’s government, and the parliamentary friendship group develops unofficial ties without funding or administrative support.

However, Canada, as part of the G7, lashed out at China for its defense of Taiwan’s territory, and Beijing urged Ottawa to “immediately correct its mistakes or take on all the consequences”.

Regarding the United States, other Congressmen made up their minds to visit Taiwan without prior notice, which the Chinese government considered as an interference and accused Washington of seeking confrontation.
