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Broad support in Panama for caravans against US blockade

Panama City, Aug 29 (Prensa Latina) The Marti's Association of Cuban Residents in Panama (AMCRP, in Spanish) on Monday reiterated its support for the caravans in several nations against the US blockade against the island, an initiative it will resume here in September.

In a message on social media, AMCRP president Humberto Perez also said on behalf of the network of Cuban residents in Latin America and the Caribbean, which he heads, that these mobilizations demand with more force the end of the siege of more than six decades and better times for the homeland and the family in the Caribbean nation.

The whole world is in turmoil as a result of the economic, social, and environmental imbalances and, above all, due to the political ambitions of powerful nations, the message noted.

We know well the problems of our island, its internal and external causes, and we are focused on the search for solutions and how to help and alleviate them, he added.

He also highlighted the history of a sovereign and indomitable people and its capacity to reinvent itself in the face of the difficulties it is going through and to move forward, but for this, it counts on all its children, in and outside the country. On Sunday, hundreds of people in Miami, United States, and several cities globally joined in a new world caravan to demand President Joe Biden end the blockade against Cuba.
