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Half of Brits think new UK PM Liz Truss should quit

London, Sep 30 (Prensa Latina) More than half (51% ) of Britons believe Liz Truss should quit as UK Prime Minister following financial and political instability caused by her controversial fiscal plan, according to a YouGov poll.

Some 51% of nearly 5,000 Britons surveyed said the prime minister should quit, with 54% saying Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng should resign.

Some 36% of Tory voters said Truss should go and 41% called for Kwarteng’s departure.

The news that the historic tax cut will cost £45 billion ($48 billion), and that the multibillion-dollar energy aid package for residential sector and private companies will be financed with government loans shook the financial markets, and sent sterling pound plummeting to its lowest level in 37 years.

Critics of Truss’ plan, which among other measures removes the cap on bankers’ bonuses and income tax cap for top earners, argued that it will only benefit the rich and large corporations.

In this regard, the YouGov poll gathered that 55% of respondents said the so-called mini-budget was a wrong decision, presented in an inadequate manner.
