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Russia rejects Russophobia at UNESCO conference

Mexico City, Oct 1 (Prensa Latina) Russophobia, which now dominates much of Western politicians´ discourses, was condemned during the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development (Mondiacult) 2022, which recently ended concluded in this capital.

Speaking at the event called by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Russian Deputy Culture Minister Serguei Obryvalin complained that there were anti-Russian statements in much of the world due to the conflict between his country and Ukraine, intensified in the last seven months.

Obryvalin condemned the discrimination and cultural genocide against the Eurasian giant´s population due to severe polarization following Moscow’s military operation against Kyiv in defense of the autonomous areas of the Donbass region, which prompted several countries to take on Russia.

“Culture has also been politicized and we deplore the manifestations of cultural genocide of Russian men and women. We are very concerned as Russia consistently supports a careful attitude towards cultural heritage and freedom of creation,” he said.

Speaking to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Obryvalin rejected any form of Russophobia, a feeling which, he pointed out, manifests itself in the cancellation of concerts, ballet performances, plays and events of all kinds. Russian artists in different countries of the world.

Responding to criticism from officials from Lithuania, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Latvia for the Russian military operation in Ukraine, he said many countries are minimizing damage and attacks against the Russian population living in Donbass, a region which, as he stressed that since 2014 it has been suffering from constant aggression by the Ukrainian army.
