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Nicaragua launches a reforestation campaign after Hurricane Julia

Managua, Oct 14 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua started a national reforestation program after Hurricane Julia passed through the national territory, according to reports issued in this capital on Friday.

Nicaraguan Vice President Rosario Murillo said that the campaign takes place as part of the actions implemented by the Government of the Sandinista National Liberation Front after Julia hit this Central American nation.

“We are moving forward in the following days, going beyond this hurricane that damaged us, especially in nature,” the Sandinista leader told reporters.

Murillo called to work in all State institutions, agencies, associations, mayors’ offices, and youth movements to “reforest our sacred land, to keep it full of vitality because it gives life to us.”

According to the information, more than 200 trees fell due to the strong winds caused by the atmospheric phenomenon.
