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Venezuela-Cuba Friendship and Solidarity Movement congratulates Lula

Caracas, Oct 31 (Prensa Latina) The Venezuela-Cuba Friendship and Mutual Solidarity Movement congratulated Brazilian President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and expressed pride in how the progressive forces are recovering kidnapped spaces in the region today.

A statement from the solidarity organization extended its best wishes to the Brazilian trade union leader and wisdom in his government that, beyond the 60 million wills that were expressed in his favor, “it will be a presidency for all the people.”

From the land of Libertador Simon Bolivar and Commander Hugo Chavez (1954-2013), we proudly see how the progressive forces are recovering spaces kidnapped “by the political tricks of the regional right”, executed under the protection of US imperialism, the Movement pointed out.

It recalled the occasion when Lula told Chavez, “Your victory will be our victory,” and now we reaffirm the same sentiment by saying: “Lula’s victory belongs to Our America.”

The statement noted that with this triumph he won the Latin American integration project and the unity of the peoples under the Bolivarian spirit.

The Movement called the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, when he said that the “metallurgical worker has now become an outstanding and prestigious statesman, whose voice is heard with respect at all international meetings.”
