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Yemeni government and UN discuss ways to end conflict

Aden, Yemen, Nov 30 (Prensa Latina) Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Rashad al-Alimi met with UN Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg to discuss the reactivation of the peace process, SABA reported on Wednesday.

The meeting took place in Amman, Jordan, when Al-Alimi was visiting the Arab nation, the source stated.

In the meeting, the two officials discussed the international efforts to revive the path to peace in Yemen and government measures to designate the Houthi rebels as a terrorist organization, the news agency stressed.

Al-Alimi mentioned several initiatives to end the war that has plagued the nation since 2014.

Consisting of eight people, the Council replaced Yemen’s then President Abd Rabbuh Mansur al-Hadi as the country’s executive branch on April 7.

According to the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), more than 23 of 31 million Yemenis need humanitarian assistance or protection. The UN agencies can only provide aid to 11.6 million each month.

OCHA estimates that more than 500,000 children in Yemen are facing severe acute malnutrition, including 60,000 children suffering from medical complications and who could die if they do not receive urgent treatment.

The war in Yemen began in 2014 when Houthi rebels took up arms and occupied large regions of the country, including Sana’a, its capital.
