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French association ratifies solidarity with Cuba

Paris, Dec 12 (Prensa Latina) The French Montpellier Cuba Solidarité Association on Monday reiterated its support for Cuba after a year of activities that included donations and accompanying Cuban work delegations.

“We are a small and modest organization, but very proud of its work in support of the Cuban people,” Association President Jean-Michel Gramond told Prensa Latina.

At the end of 2021, the association sent a container with medical equipment and materials to Cuba, including 21 electric hospital beds, 12 tables for medical examinations, 16 wheelchairs, two stretchers, rehabilitation equipment, and 16,000 sanitary masks.

“Last March we shipped another container (laden) with office supplies, once again with the support of the city of Montpellier, with whose authorities we have good relations,” Gramond said.

Montpellier Cuba Solidarité participated in September in the traditional Fair of Associations in the city of Montpellier, where it exposed the reality of Cuba, subjected to a blockade by the United States.

It also received about twenty Cuban French teachers who made a stay at the Faculty of Education and Ambassador Otto Vaillant, who thanked the organization for its support for Cuba.

Another of the activities in which Montpellier Cuba Solidarité is engaged is the accompaniment of Televisión Serrana, a project established in the Sierra Maestra, in the eastern part of the country.
