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Cuba´s ANPP approves four all-important laws, 2023 Economy Plan

Havana, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) Sessions of the Cuba´s National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) and the 22nd Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) Summit have focused in Cuba during a week that ends today.

ANPP´s final session was also the closing of its 9th session, with a full agenda approving four important laws in line with the legislative reform the country is undergoing, the approval of the 2023 Economy Plan aimed at achieving greater effectiveness and speed in development goals; accountability of agencies and analysis of the most pressing issues, among others.

President Miguel Díaz-Canel expressed in a self-critical manner his dissatisfaction for not having fulfilled all objectives proposed by the Government, which was influenced both by the complex international situation and the U.S. blockade, as well as internal deficiencies he called to overcome.

In this regard, the Cuban leader called to shake inertia, banish bureaucracy, eliminate obstacles and overcome complacency in order to make accelerated and sustained progress in Cuba´s socialism and also to work with creativity and innovative spirit to promote actions implemented for national development.

Among other projects for 2023, Díaz-Canel praised the pressing need to achieve a gradual but sustained increase in foreign currency income which helps solve the macroeconomic imbalance that is expressed in inflation and shortages that impact Cuban people´s quality of life.
