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Russia presents evidence of biological weapons in Ukraine

Moscow, Dec 24 (Prensa Latina) The Russian Ministry of Defense on Saturday presented evidence at the 9th biological Weapons Convention Review Conference, of the work carried out to develop these weapons by the United States in Ukraine.

According to Chief of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, Igor Kirillov, Moscow showed in Geneva that, with Washington’s support, Ukraine has worked with biological weapons and researched pathogens of highly dangerous illnesses.

In addition, Kirillov noted that the evidence presented by Moscow included videos showing the position of Russian and other countries’ experts, as well as testimonies of eyewitnesses and participants in programs of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the US Department of Defense.

One of them is Richard Bosher, a former employee of the US Army Research Institute, who also confirmed that dangerous pathogens were developed at Ukrainian biological laboratories financed by the Pentagon, he said.

The expert stressed that Russia’s statement made many countries reflect on the risks of cooperation with Washington in the military-biological field and reconsider the need and expediency of such cooperation.

Kirillov added that, according to available information, the Pentagon is actively transferring research that has not been completed within the framework of Ukrainian projects to Central Asian and Eastern European countries.
