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US activists reaffirm ties of friendship with Cuba

Matanzas, Cuba, Jan 5 (Prensa Latina) US activists reaffirmed today during a visit to various institutions in the western province of Matanzas the permanent ties of friendship that exist between the peoples of Cuba and the United States.

Headed by the coordinator of the Cuba-Venezuela Solidarity Committee in the United States, Gloria la Riva, the delegation made up of citizens from different cities in the North American country toured facilities of social relevance in the territory.

During the initial stage of the journey that took place at the Supertanker Base, the site where the largest fire in Cuban history occurred last August, La Riva explained that Cubans are a heroic people who, despite the blockade, have resisted for more 60 years old.

Every year the policies imposed towards Cuba seek to prevent the progress of the country and prevent people from around the world from helping the Revolution. On many occasions we feel the force of the hostility of North American congressmen but this does not prevent us from continuing the fight in favor of the Cubans narrowed.

At the Enrique Estrada Barracks Fire Museum, the activist explained that she, along with many friends from around the world, maintained a constant interest in knowing what was happening in those gray days of August in Matanzas, which is why one of the places she could not stop visiting. It was the site where homage is paid to the brave who faced the fire.

The coordinator of the Cuba-Venezuela Solidarity Committee pointed out that among the members of the delegation are members of socialist parties in the United States who are mostly young lovers of Cuba and its rich history of struggle and perseverance.

During their stay in Matanzas, the US delegation will also visit the Maternity Home, the Comandante Faustino Pérez Provincial Hospital and the headquarters of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, with the aim of learning more about the medical and artistic work of the province and strengthening friendship ties.
