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Venezuela to export natural gas to Trinidad and Tobago

Caracas, Jan 27 (Prensa Latina) Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Keith Rowle informed that Venezuela would export natural gas to his country after a a US agency granted a license.

In statements published by Venezuela News, the high official pointed out that his Government is focused on the “potential and the possibility of developing, producing and processing gas” of the Bolivarian Republic in the Caribbean island nation.

We devoted a lot of time, efforts, and energy to negotiating a commercial term agenda in 2018, but the development was halted due to the sanctions implemented by the US administration against Venezuela in 2019, Rowle noted.

Washington imposed 928 unilateral coercive measures on Caracas that caused considerable economic losses with a social impact across all sectors. Rowle estimated that the license granted by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) improves energy security for the region and Europe, according to the digital media outlet.
