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AI could be real threats to jobs, say U.S. experts

Washington, Feb 1 (Prensa Latina) Computer and information science experts at the Rochester Institute of Technology on Wednesday said artificial intelligence (AI) will drastically change jobs in education, finance and graphic design.

According to the experts, AI reconfigures and may even disappear several jobs as they are known, particularly in those three sectors.

Specialized websites define AI as the combination of algorithms designed to create machines that have the same capabilities as human beings have, a technology that is still distant and mysterious but which has been present every day and every hour for a few years now.

According to Pengcheng Shi, Dean of Computer and Information Science Department at the Rochester Institute in New York, said AI is presently replacing professional workers, and he does not believe that anyone can stop it.

Shi foresaw that AI will displace over 80 million jobs by 2025, which coincides with a World Economic Forum report warning the workforce has been automatized faster than expected.

Regarding Education, the Market Research Engine Consulting Firm warned this business will reach $5.8 trillion by 2025, and ChatGPT program could teach classes in schools, though it has so far errors and inaccuracies in terms of knowledge.

The machine learning system could revolutionize the education sector by identifying knowledge, skills and formats, and then making recommendations to students based on their needs.

Concerning finance, AI is used in fraud detection, management and prevention, financial advisory services and search for potential clients, while saving banks and financial institutions at least $447 billion this year by streamlining tedious processes and offering clients 24-hour access to their accounts.
