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name of Prensa Latina



UAE News Agency and Prensa Latina to strengthen cooperation (+Photos)

Havana, Feb 1 (Prensa Latina) Emirates News Agency (WAM) Director General Mohamed Jalal Al Rayssi and the delegation that accompanies him met on Wednesday with Prensa Latina executives to strengthen bilateral cooperation.

We are happy to visit Cuba and meet with you, said Al Rayssi, who highlighted the excellent relations between the news agencies, and the willingness to work together on various projects, complement each other, share experiences and contents, as well as take advantage of the potential of both parties for mutual benefit.

Prensa Latina (PL) President Luis Enrique Gonzalez welcomed the visitors and ratified the news agency’s willingness to collaborate in all areas.

In this regard, he mentioned the presence of Prensa Latina correspondents in 40 countries, mainly in Latin America, an area of great interest to WAM. Gonzalez noted that the news agency he leads highly values the possibility of learning from WAM’s experience terms of technology and the use of artificial intelligence, branches in which they have an advanced path, as evidenced by the Global Media Congress held in November last year.

The WAM director, for his part, granted great importance to the possibility of reactivating the Latin American Union of News Agencies, an effort led by PL together with representatives from Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia and Mexico, among others.

Al Rayssi commented that this year, when he will assume the rotating presidency of the Arab Union of News Agencies, they can promote several joint actions, focused on issues of common interest such as culture, tourism, the environment, technology, tolerance and respect for differences.

He pointed out that it will also be a pleasure to receive a delegation of Prensa Latina again at the 2023 edition of the Global Media Congress, which will make it possible to verify the changes made after a year, in addition to promoting spaces for negotiation and exchange.

Al Rayssi noted that such issues as journalism and the environment, and the treatment of sports in the media will be in the spotlight of the event, which will have several workshops and exhibitions.

The idea is to strengthen our ties more and more, unite, instead of dividing as often happens in other fields, said Al Rayssi, who affirmed that we can learn from each other and build relationships.

He highlighted the hospitality with which his delegation was welcomed in Cuba and on the Latin American tour, adding that although we are geographically far apart, our hearts will always be united.
