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Vietnam wages a war against corruption

Hanoi, Feb 4 (Prensa Latina) Consistency, perseverance and firmness are the weapons Vietnamese authorities are using in what a senior official defined as a war without shots, but extremely fierce and hard on corruption and negativity.

The anti-corruption struggle became a movement and an irreversible trend that is recognized, agreed upon and supported by the cadres and members of the Communist Party (VCP) and the people, and appreciated also by international friends, Vo Van Thuong affirmed.

According to what was known at that meeting of the permanent members of the Committee for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption and Negativity, since January of that year, the competent bodies investigated 2,474 events involving 4,646 people.

In addition, they prosecuted 2,157 cases involving 4,564 citizens, and tried in first instance 2,198 cases involving 4,620 persons suspected of corruption, abuse of power and economic crimes.

Thuong, who is a member of the Political Bureau and permanent member of the Secretariat of the VCP Central Committee, made the assessment when presenting the most recent work of the organization’s top leader, Nguyen Phu Trong, on the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of that political force, founded on February 3, 1930.

“Resolutely and persistently fighting against corruption and negativity, contributing to building an ever purer and stronger Party and State” is the title of the book, structured in three parts and including more than 600 pages and nearly 100 illustrations.

The book, Van Thuong pointed out, reveals the consistency between saying and doing, the perseverance in the struggle without interruption, the unity between the many years of passion and firm actions of the General Secretary in confronting corruption and negativity, in order to build an ever purer and stronger Party.

Readers at home and abroad will better understand the policies and guidelines and determination to fight against internal enemies, and prevent, repel and strictly handle corruption and negativity, a war without shooting, but extremely fierce and difficult, he appreciated.

Va Thuong also stressed the importance of turning political will into practical action, proceeding resolutely, persistently and continuously, and mobilizing all forces, both in the political system and in society as a whole.

It is necessary to implement solutions to prevent and combat corruption and negativity in accordance with the context and requirements of the country’s development in the socialist-oriented market economy and the nation’s cultural traditions, he insisted.

A call to act more firmly and swiftly against corruption and negative practices was launched last November here by the VCP General Secretary himself, who indicated to deal severely with violations of the law, in the understanding that there is no prohibition zone, nor for exceptions in the fight against these evils.

The sanctions recently imposed against many organizations and members of the Party, including members of the Central Committee, ministers, vice ministers, secretaries of the provincial committees of the PCV and presidents of the provincial people’s committees, are evidence of this, he affirmed.
