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Lopez Obrador reveals multimillion-dollar trust fund

Mexico, Mar 8 (Prensa Latina) Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador revealed on Wednesday that the Judicial Power has a trust fund worth more than 1.117 billion dollars and it says say it does not have enough money.

At his morning press conference at the National Palace, Lopez Obrador informed that he had instructed Secretary of the Interior Adan Augusto Lopez to request information on the trusts of the National Electoral Institute (INE) and to disclose the amounts and on what they have been spent.

Lopez Obrador added that people do not know that the Judicial Power has such an exaggerated trust fund, ‘a little stash of 20 billion pesos (exactly 1,117,545,767 dollars) and we are going to disclose it.’

The head of State noted that he had instructed the Transparency Institute to ask INE to disclose how much money they have in their trusts and what use they have given to it and the purpose of that money, in order to know how much it is, how they have spent it and which are those items.

The president showed some official statistical tables of the trust fund for complementary medical support and extraordinary economic support for public servants of the Judicial Branch up to December 31, 2022, for an equivalent of 796,519,231.57 dollars, excluding 321,026,536.48 from the Supreme Court of Justice.

He explained that this enormous amount for the extra income of magistrates, judges, INE counselors and the entire staff of leaders is in addition to the huge amounts in salaries, wages and benefits they receive monthly, some of which exceed 15,000 dollars.

The judges are the first to violate the law they are supposed to protect, since the law states that no public employee may earn more than the President of the Republic, who earns a little more than 5,000 dollars a month.
