Friday, July 26, 2024
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Women’s rights worldwide under attack – President Joe Biden

Washington, Mar 8 (Prensa Latina) President Joe Biden on Wednesday warned that the rights of women and girls are under attack worldwide, specifically pointing to actions from Afghanistan, Iran and Russia in a statement on International Women´s Day.

The March 8 holiday “honors a truth we live every day — that women and girls are essential to success and progress in every aspect of our society,” Biden said.

In a text released by the White House, Presient Biden stated his administration’s commitment to expand economic security for women, defend access to health care, their political involvement, as well as efforts to wipe out gender-based violence.

“Let´s continue fighting for a future in which women have an equal right to sit at the table, an equal voice in decision-making, and an equal opportunity to contribute fully to their nations,” Joe Biden reaffirmed.

Today´s holiday occurs in this country less than a year after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which in 1973 ruled the Constitution protects the freedom of Americans to terminate their pregnancies without undue government restrictions.

Past June’s decision by the conservative majority Court was seen here as a setback of nearly 50 years in sexual and reproductive rights, while at the same time posing a health risk to American women.

The national picture also shows Republicans lobbying to prevent the distribution of mifepristone, part of the two-drug combination for pharmacologic abortion.

In 2015, a group of UN experts stated that, in the United States, with the highest per capita income in the world, women were marching behind in society. Extreme political polarization affects the institutional capacity to guarantee the rights of American women and indicated they face barriers in campaigns for office.
