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End of blockade against Cuba, a solidarity demand from New York

Washington, Mar 11 (Prensa Latina) Activists, intellectuals and artists are meeting on in New York City on Saturday at an International Conference to advocate the normalization of relations between the United States and Cuba.

The purpose of the event is to demand Cuba’s removal from Washington’s State Sponsors of Terrorism list, the lifting of the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed for more than 60 years against the Cuban people, and the end of all economic and travel restrictions that weigh on Cuba.

According to a statement from organizers, speakers from Cuba, the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada will participate in the meeting, which will consist of workshops, discussion panels, an exhibition of Cuban art and a short film festival.

Ike Nahem, from the United States-Cuba Coalition for the International US-CUBA Normalization Conference, summarized the relevance of the event by pointing out that for more than half a century Washington has imposed a total and brutal blockade on Cuba.

He added that despite the blockade, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the administration of then President Donald Trump (2017-2021) added 243 measures to toughen this punitive policy, and stressed how the Government of incumbent President Joe Biden has not eased the blockade or lifted any bans.

The unfair classification of Cuba as a country that sponsors terrorism will be another of the issues that will be addressed at the conference, which is supported by more than a hundred organizations.

“Trump’s cruel and hypocritical addition to this list has deepened the impact of the US blockade. Cuba finds itself with more restrictions when it trades in the world market, which has made it increasingly difficult to import food, fuel, medicines and other essential goods”, explained Alison Bodine, one of the coordinators of the meeting.

All activities of the event will be broadcast live, which will allow the participation of people from different parts of the world.

Cuba solidarity activists in Miami, Boston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis-St Paul, Portland, and also in Vancouver, Canada, will screen the conference at events held in their cities.

It is the fourth time that the International US-CUBA Normalization Conference is held in New York, and coincides with the sessions of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).

Members of the Cuban delegation at the CSW will speak at the meeting against the blockade.
