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Venezuelan president calls to build new multipolar world

Caracas, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro assured on Wednesday that the time has come to build the articulation of a new multipolar and multicentric world for the peoples' independence and integration.

Speaking via Internet at the High-Level Dialogue between the Communist Party of China and political parties of the world, the president stressed that the time has come for history and the peoples to build alternative models to savage, neoliberal capitalism, hegemonism and economic blackmail, which try to impose their domination on our peoples through coercion and aggression.

Maduro pointed out that they went from an intense stage of resistance, sometimes painful, to a stage of recovery and growth, which should lead to better periods of development and social and economic prosperity for the Venezuelan people.

This is impossible in the 21st century, because the times of empires are over, and he affirmed that the times of the peoples have come for now and forever, let no one doubt, he emphasized.

The president pointed out that this world deserves a lot of conscience, union, political capacity, leadership, coordination, efforts and perseverance in the right path to build a civilization, as Xi Jinping stated, which will allow the beautiful diversity, culture and strength of the peoples of the planet to shine, he said.

When referring to the PSUV, Maduro commented that it is a young party that resulted from the heat of the Bolivarian Revolution, founded by Commander Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) and was born under the banners of the construction of socialism from the libertarian and deep Latin American and Caribbean roots.
