Friday, July 26, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Hotel ransacked in Haiti amid surging violence crisis

Port-au-Prince, Mar 16 (Prensa Latina) Haitian gangs on Thursday ransacked a beach hotel north of the country´s capital, smashing and looting everything inside, as confirmed by Elysée Blaise, interim Mayor of Montrouis.

Mattresses, televisions, tables and other furniture were taken in the wee hours from the Wahoo Bay Beach and Resort, although no death has been reported, said the official.

Blaise suggested it could be a territorial conflict, however, some local press media pointed out that gangs are using this case to warn other business owners about consequences if fail to comply with their demands.

As Haiti´s insecurity situation worsens, armed groups use extortion, blackmail and kidnapping as a means of financing.

In fact, several schools in Port-au-Prince have suspended classes and the Justice Ministry warned citizens they can defend themselves if someone violently storms into their own property.
