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Tenth day mobilizations of French unions against retirement reform

Paris, Mar 28 (Prensa Latina) Squares, avenues and streets of this capital and other French cities today hosted the tenth day of mobilizations, called by the unions against the retirement reform, a project that the Government rules out to withdraw.

Giant balloons and flags with the emblems of the participating unions, banners, work clothes, slogans and songs marked the new protest, the tenth since January 19 against an initiative that includes the extension of the retirement age to 64 years and the increase in the contribution period, two of the most repudiated topics.

According to the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), two million Frenchmen paraded this Tuesday, 450,000 of them in Paris, figures lower than those registered in the demonstrations last Thursday; three million 500 thousand and 800 thousand, respectively.

For their part, authorities reported 740,000 participants nationwide and 93,000 in this capital.

The unions ratified their call to President Emmanuel Macron to cancel or freeze the reform, due to the rejection it generates, and to opt for dialogue to lower tensions that translate into episodes of violence, which were reported again this Tuesday.

In this sense, the general secretary of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, announced the sending of a new letter to the head of state.

So far, Macron and other leaders have ruled out discussing a bill that has already been adopted, although with controversy over the use of article 49.3 of the Constitution, which allowed it to be approved without a vote by the National Assembly.

From the Government, including the president, they propose to the unions to assume the retirement reform and discuss other issues related to employment, a position that fuels the discontent of the unions and opposition political forces.
