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Nicaragua condemns terror attack on Russian journalist

Managua, Apr 4 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua on Tuesday strongly condemned recent terror attack orchestrated in the Russian city of St. Petersburg, where war correspondent Maxim Fomín, known by Vladlén Tatarski, was killed.

According to a press release, Nicaragua mourned Fomín´s death and offered its deepest condolences to the journalist’s relatives and friends.

“Ahead of such despicable criminal and terror attacks, which only seek to censor and limit freedom of speech through crimes, we categorically condemn them,” the document stressed.

The Nicaraguan government also expressed its solidarity to Fomín’s colleagues and war correspondents worldwide, while sending its prayers for “his eternal rest”.

The military blogger was considered one of the most well-known influencers in defense of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, with over 560,000 subscribers on his Telegram channel.
