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Reinforced Syrian troops clearing the desert from terrorists

Damascus, Apr 11 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Army sent troops and war material to intensify its operations so as to eliminate terrorist groups from the desert areas, said operation officials quoted by the Al-Watan daily. reinforced

The units deployed in the vast desert region of Al-Badieh received more soldiers and material for the stepping up of the offensive against the remaining terrorist groups of the Islamic State, ‘Daesh’ in Arabic, inscribed on the list of international terrorism organizations, local sources said.

They added that in the town of Al-Sukhna, located on the administrative borders between the provinces of Homs and Deir Ezzor, Syrian soldiers eliminated several terrorists during a fierce clash with them.

Daesh, whose members receive logistical support, protection and intelligence information from the US armed forces in the Tanef area, in the east of the country, is increasing its attacks in the Al-Badieh desert, according to complaints from Damascus.

As reportedly said by analysts, Daesh, since its defeat in 2018, has resorted to gang warfare and attacks, based on clear intelligence instructions in an attempt to wear down Syrian troops and their allies.
