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Americans call for urgency to address climate change

Washington, Apr 22 (Prensa Latina) The majority of Americans said that climate change must be addressed "right now", in a new CBS News-YouGov survey circulated today.

More than half the population, 53 percent, indicated that the issue requires immediate attention, while 14 percent suggested that it should be addressed “in the coming years”.

Another 24 percent said it is not necessary to address it “at all” and pointed out that “the effect of climate change is exaggerated,” the survey highlights.

Opinions on how to address this issue differ by party and age group, with Democrats (91 percent) and younger Americans (74 percent) calling for urgency, the study specifies.

The United States is one of the most polluting countries in the world and the most recent policies of President Joe Biden deserve criticism from various sectors of the population.

The approvals -last March- of new projects for the extraction of oil in the country and a massive plan to drill crude oil in the Arctic called Willow showed that the administration prioritizes fossil fuels over environmental care, various media highlighted.

Biden defrauded his constituents by reneging on his promises to limit carbon dioxide emissions, while favoring the requests of big polluting companies, denounced the Common Dreams news website.
