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Ukraine moves industrial equipment from Zaporozhye

Moscow, Apr 23 (Prensa Latina) Ukrainian authorities are transferring industrial machinery from the city of Zaporozhye, while it remains under their control, the region's deputy governor, Vladimir Rogov, denounced on Sunday.

The top official told the Sputnik news agency that the most expensive and valuable equipment is being taken to western Ukraine and Poland, while the rest is being destroyed, since the Ukrainian regime is aware that it will not be able to retain the city, so it has put the industrial assets up for sale.

We see in this a flagrant theft of the heritage of the Russian Federation,” said Rogov, who also heads the Together with Russia movement.

The official mentioned as an example the urgent privatization of the titanium and magnesium manufacturer ZTMC and the Iskra group, including a design office and an electro-mechanical plant.

The Zaporozhye province seceded from Ukraine and joined Russia in late September 2023, after a referendum in which the “yes” vote won by a landslide.

Currently, Russia controls more than 70 percent of its territory, but the main city, Zaporozhye, is still in Ukrainian hands, so authorities proclaimed the city of Melitopol as the political and administrative center.
